Welcome to Impladent Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry

We are committed to providing quality service to residents located In the Anaheim, CA area. Our website has additional information about the following topics: Dentist, Cosmetic Dentist, Family Dentist, FastBraces, Emergency Dentist, Dental Implants, Implant Dentist, Dental Veneers, Teeth Whitening and Dentures.

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What To Ask Your Dentist About A Dental Cleaning

What To Ask Your Dentist About A Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning is the perfect opportunity to catch up with your dentist. Yes really, catch up. Your average dentist loves it when their patients have healthy teeth that need little more than a light scrub. This is why preventative measures like routine checkups are so important.Patients with healthy teeth can spend the bulk of…

Emergency Dentistry: Tooth Pain And Fever

Emergency Dentistry: Tooth Pain And Fever

A toothache occurs when one or more of your teeth have been damaged, and it might be a sign that emergency dentistry is needed. Toothaches are sometimes accompanied by a fever, and that is often a sign of an infection in or around a tooth.A dental infection is a serious health issue because the infection…